Ville: marine and coastal development management committee Im Chhun Lim, Minister of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction stations as president on January 22 2016 issued an invitation Kith Meng, president of Royal
khett preahseihnou : knkammeathikear krobkrong ning aphivodth tambnchhner samoutr kampouchea del mean lok aum chhou n lum rodthamontrei krasuong riebcham dendei n k roub ni kamm ning saamnng chea brathan now thngaiti 2 2 mokrea chhna 2 0 1 6 nih ban chenh muoy likhet anhcheunh lok kit me ng brathan kromhoun Royal
Group Co., Ltd chaulruom kechchabrachoum now thngaiti 28 khemokra chhna 2 0 16 daembi pipheaksaea chreusareusa vitheankar ning titeang samosrab daembi sangosang phe now tambn chhnerosamoutr krong preahseihnou knong koldaw bamreu aoy karoaphivodtho kaoh rong tam saamnae robsa kromhoun Royal Group ning koldaw roksaa aoy ban tambnchhner khsaach aurotreh chea chhner sa thea n da saat samreab karokamsaeant robsa phnhiev tesachar .
kar anhcheunh lok kit me ng chaulruom kechchabrachoum nih banteabpi knkammeathikear cheate krobkrong ning aphivodth tambnchhner samoutr kampouchea ku ban thveulaeng banteabpi ban bdeseth tam likhet choundamnoeng choh thngaiti 20 khemokra chhna 2 0 16 champoh saamnaesom kankab dei tambnchhner samoutr robsa kromhoun Royal Group Co., Ltd robsa lok kit me ng del som kankab dei chhner chamnei samoutr robsa rodth mean kbaldei braveng 40 metr chomrow 1 5 metr now tam bandaoy chhner khsaach aurotreh khett preahseihnou daembi sangosang phe bamreu aoy kar aphivodth kaoh ro ng . moulheto trauv ban k nah k mmea thi kar cheate krobkrong ning aphivodth na tambn chhnerosamoutr kampouchea banhcheak tha : titeang snae r som poum ach anou nhnhea tte choun bante piproh reachorodthaphibeal mean kolkar aoy riebcham chhner au treh chea chhner koumrou samreab bamreu visay tesachr na ning bristhean tambnchhner daoy trauv thveu kar bangk k real kar ksang leu dei cham ni samoutr now tinih promteang trauv seksaa rk vitheankar daembi rouhreu saamnnganathibteyy now tam dei chamnei chhner nih chenh . kromhoun rau yea l kroub khau e l thi di trauv banhchhob karsaangosang ning trauv riebcham titeang aoy mean sapheap dauchdaem vinh daoy kromhoun trauv seksaa rk titeang thmei del mean lokkh nah samosrab min bahpeal dl bristhean tambnchhner khsaach kamsant samreab tesachr na ning trauv meankar anou nhnhea tte cheamoun pi k nah k mmea thi kar cheate krobkrong tambnchhner samoutr kampouchea teub ach damnaerkar ksang ban . te kromhoun rau yea l kroub min stab daoy ke saamang tha mean likhet anounhnhate pi lok chhi t so khon a tei chawhvaykhett preahseihnou . cheaksteng rhautadl rsiel thngaiti 21 mokrea sakammopheap sangosang phe r thm samreab ka doekachonhchoun phnhiev tow kaoh ro ng del mean chamngeay 2 5 kilaumetr pi krong preahseihnou robsa kromhoun rau yea l kroub del mean titeang sthet phoumi 6 sangkeat lekh 4 krong preahseihnou tang pi 6 khe kanlongomk noh nowte bant yeangosakamm ddel .
now kaoh ro ng kromhoun Royal Group ban chabphtaem bok kruah sangosang romneiyodthan da braneit del mean 1 0 0 bantob nih krao b athibteiphap sa mte ch kralea haom sa khe ng ubneayk rodthamontrei ning chea rodthamontrei krasuongomhaphtai kalpi khethnou chhna 2 0 15 chea phnek nei komrong knong tukabrak 3 0 lean dollar daembi aphivodth tambn bek khangotbaung nei kaoh nih .
lok chhin seng nguon aphibealorng khett preahseihnou ban aoy kaset doeng der tha achnhathr ban chenh batobanhchea aoy chhb sangosang pir leuk ruochamk haey knong rypel bra muoy khe kanlongomk nih . “ yeung nung chenh batobanhchea aoy puokke rouhreu phe thm now leu chhner aurotreh nih haeynung phtal chomreusa phsaeng dl puokke daembi sang sang phe thm muoy phsaengtiet now tomnbrolk ” kber kampngphe svayt krong preahseihnou . daoy bangheanh pheap chchesa rungrousa brachheang tow ning lok rodthamontrei krasuong dendei n k roub ni kamm ning saamnng now thngaiti 2 2 mokrea chhna 2 0 1 6 nih kromhoun Royal Group ban chenh likhet bamphlu muoy dl angkopheap sarptrmean ning satharn chn tha komrong sangosang phe 2 kanleng now krong preahseihnou ku trauv ban seksaa lomait yeang hmatcht ampi phl bahpeal haey meankar anounhnhat troemotrauv pi achnhathr ning krasuong peakpnth brakabdaoy smartei ttuolkhosatrauv .
likhet robsa kromhoun rau yea l kroub ban banhcheak tha karsaangosang phe samreab leukdeak samphear (Jetty) daembi keatr damnaerkar aphivodtho kaoh rong krong preahseihnou ku kromhoun ban kampoung anouvott daoy korp tam kar ekpheap chea kolkar pi aphibealkhett preahseihnou tamory likhet lekh 3 49 sa ch n / 14 choh thngaiti 24 khekakkada chhna 2 0 15 del kalnaoh lok chhi t so khon chea aphibealkhett preahseihnou . sechaktei samrech robsa aphibealkhett preahseihnou now kreanoh kaban chamlong choun krasuongomhaphtai ning kaban yong tam kar ekpheap r b sa krasuong satharonkar ning doekachonhchoun del ban ekpheap aoy kromhoun thveu phe 2 kanleng ( phe muoy now leu kok ning phe muoytiet now kaoh ) daembi bamreu dl damnaerkar aphivodtho kaoh rong krong preahseihnou .
likhet ddel ban sangkotthngon tha koun tamlei nei karoaphivodtho kaoh rong ku nung ban phalobrayoch ruomchamnek yeang thomtheng dl kar leukakamposa chivpheap brachachn kampouchea ning ruomchamnek chuoy chomrounh kamnaen sedthakechch cheate phng der . karoaphivodtho teanglay ku kromhoun ban seksaa yeang hmatcht haey kromhoun kaban sahkar cheamuoy achnhathr khett ning krasuong peakpnth brakabdaoy smartei ttuolkhosatrauv . kmean hetophl na del kromhoun anouvott daoy romlng chbab ryy thveu aoy khauchabrayoch cheate ning brachachn noh te . dauchneh saum knkammeathikear neanea yk smartei ning sechaktei samrech rb sa thnak khett ning thnak krasuong mk thveuchea moulodthan pichearna thloengothleng moun nung thveu sechaktei choundamnoeng banthem namuoy del nea dl kar bangkeut roubpheap kariyealy thi b te yy kar chean samotthakechch ryy bangkeut kar phntochralam knongchamnaom anak koropochbab ning satharonachn .
cham meul tha tae lok uknhea kit me ng del ttuol ban kar keatr pi sa mte ch kraleahaom sa khe ng ning lok aum chhou n lum del anouvott tam kolkar robsa neayk rodthamontrei stei pi kar theroksaahhnerosamoutr aoy ban saat muoy na khlang cheang ? .
Ville: marine and coastal development management committee Im Chhun Lim, Minister of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction stations as president on January 22 2016 issued an invitation Kith Meng, president of Royal
Group Co., Ltd attended the meeting on 28 January 2016 to discuss measures and appropriate location to build a port in the coastal region Ville target Koh Rong development at the request of the Royal Group, and maintain target Tres coastal sand beautiful public beaches for the entertainment of tourists.
Kith Meng attended the meeting after the National Committee for the management and development of coastal sea is made after the rejection notices dated 20 January 2016 to request the company's coastal land Royal Group Co., Ltd Kith Meng's sea food for coastal land strips 40 meters in length a depth of 15 meters along the beach Tres Sihanoukville port to build a server to develop Koh Rong. The reason was the National Steering Committee for management and development of coastal areas: the location request can not be allowed because the government has a policy Otres beach service model for coastal tourism and the environment must freeze all building on land Sea here as well as measures to clear slums in coastal foraging ground. Royal Group Co., Ltd. to stop the construction and location has been restored by the company find a new location perfectly appropriate not affect the coastal environment for tourism and sand must have prior permission from the Steering Committee Cambodian coastal management in order to access the building. Royal Group did not hear evidence that a permit from Chhith former governors Ville condominium. In fact, until the afternoon of January 21 stone pier construction activities for the European transport guests to the island, which is 25 km from Ville Royal Group's village is located 6 4 Ville neighborhood exhibitions 6 months, continues to be active.
Koh Rong Royal Group began to hit the foundation to build a luxury resort with a 100-room Crown presidency Samdech cell .Unlike Kheng, Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister December 2015 as part of the project in the amount of $ 30 million to develop the area south of the island.
Chin Seng Nguon Governor of Sihanoukville newspapers know that the authorities have issued orders to stop construction already twice in the past six months . "I will order them to demolish the pier Tres rocks on the beach and will give them another option to build another stone pier In Rolok "near Sihanoukville Autonomous Port. stubborn and stubborn opposition to the Minister of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction on Station 22 January 2016 The Royal Group has issued a letter of clarification to the media and the public entity that the construction of Pier 2 where PAS is thoroughly detailed study about the impact and the proper permission from the relevant authorities and the Ministry of sense of responsibility.
Letter of the Royal Group, confirmed that the construction of the port for material handling (Jetty) to support the development process of Sihanoukville Koh Rong is being carried out by the company comply with the agreed In principle, the governor of Sihanoukville, through letter No. 349/14, dated July 24, 2015, while condominium Chhith governor of Sihanoukville. Governor's decision Sihanouk then CC Ministry of Interior, and also according to the approval of the Ministry of Public Works and Transport has agreed to make 2 port (a port on land and another port on the island) to serve the development process Koh Rong Sihanoukville.
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