Civil Society John McKay raised the issue of human rights violations with Hun Sen
nowmoun damnaer bampenh tossaankechch robsa rodthamontrei krasuong karobartesa sah rodth amerik lok chn khe ri (John Kerry) mk kampouchea krom sangkom saivil ampeavneav aoy rodthamontrei karobartesa bratesa mha amnach muoy nih leuklaeng nouv banhhea romloph setthimnoussa cheamuoy bramoukh doeknea rodthaphibeal kampouchea lok neayk rodthamontrei houn sen .
daoylek sachnheate robsa montrei baksa brachheang lok meach sovonnarea del kampoung cheab knong ponthoneakear ka ampeavneav aoy lok chn khe ri antorakom chuoy montrei baksa brachheang roub nih .
ke now cha ban tha nowmoun damnaer tossaankechch mokkan kampouchea robsa brathaneathibtei saharodthaamerik lok barea k au ba mea (Barack Obama) daembi chaulruom kechchabrachoum kampoul asaan del kampouchea chea mcheasaphteah kalpi chhnam 2 0 12 krom angkokear sangkom saivil pisesa polorodth del rongokroh daoysaar kar romloph setthi mnoussa romlophbampean deithli ning ampeu ayouttethmr phsaeng ban snae aoy thnakdoeknea robsa amerik leuk yk banhhea robsa puokke tow chchek cheamuoy lokneayk rodthamontrei houn sen del chea mcheasaphteah .
min khosaknea der now pel nih sangkom saivil nowte bant ttouch aoy montrei cheankhpasa robsa sah rodth amerik del krong bampenh tossaankechch mokkan kampou chea knong pel khangmoukhnih leuklaeng pi banhhea romloph setthimnoussa chea thmei tiet cheamuoy rodthaphibeal kampouchea . sangkom saivil yl kheunh tha sthanphap korp setthi mnoussa now kampouchea poum tean brasaer nowlaey .
montrei karpar setthimnoussa angkokear li kadau (Licadho) lok am saamat meanobrasaeasa tha sangkom saivil chng kheunh damnaer tossaankechch robsa lok chn khe ri ban chea brayoch samreab polorodth ning sangkom kampouchea pisesa ku kar ke loma nouv sthanphap setthimnoussa ning damnaerkar lotthi brachathibteyy now kampouchea .
lok am saamat thleng tha banhhea del polorodth kampouchea chuobabrateah knong pel bachchobbann mean dauchchea kar rutatbet tow leu setthi seripheap knong kar bramoul phdom ning samdeng mte banhhea ni tond pheap ryy pheap kmean tosapei daoyhetotha anak del ban banhsamleab kammokr tamnang sahchip anakkearpear bristhean selbokr ryy anak veay dam towleu montrei ning anakkeatr baksa brachheang aoy rng rbuosa min trauv ban achnhathr chabkhluon phdantatosa noh laey .
leusa pi nih kar rubausa yk deithli polorodth kar b nte nh polorodth chenhpi lomnowthean daoy bangkham karnei chabkhluon ning dak ponthoneakear montrei baksa brachheang pheap rakruol nei vobbathmr santonea robsa anak nyobeay ka sotth soeng chea brathanobt del lok am saamat yltha lok chn khe ri kuor leuk tow chchek cheamuoy rodthaphibeal : « khnhom kit tha tossaankechch robsa lok chn khe ri ka peakpnth nung kechchabrachoum asaan now saharodth amerik now khe 2 khangmoukhnih haey yeung sangkhumtha kraoypi tossaankechch robsa lok chn khe ri now kampouchea karobrachoum asaan khangmoukh nung ach snaesom aoy kampouchea yeung meankar kebre sthanphap setthi mnoussa ning sthanphap muoy chamnuon tiet now kampouchea aoy kante la brasaer» .
saharodthaamerik kuchea bratesa mhaamnach neamoukh muoy del teng riahkn towleu sthanphap rom loph setthimnoussa ning damnaerkar lotthibrcheathibteyy now kampouchea .
rbaykar setthimnoussa brachea chhna robsa krasuong karobartesa sah rodth amerik sdeipi sthanphap setthimnoussa leu piphoplok knong chhna 2 0 14 ban chat thnak banhhea romloph setthimnoussa cheatoutow now kampouchea tha mean pheap thngonthngor .
banhhea romloph setthimnoussa saam khan teangnoh ruommean kar banh samleab kar veaydam kar chabkhluon sakammochn setthimnoussa kammokr rongochakr katder saamliek bampeak kar brae hengsaa ning tearounakamm daoy kamleang samotthakechch leu anak tvea ning anaksaearptrmean sthanphap lombak phsaeng now knong ponthoneakear kar chab ning kar khoum khluon daoy romlophbampean ampeupoukarluoy robsa chawkram preahreachachnha ning montrei tolakar kar chabkhluon tamnangrastr ning sakammochn baksa brachheang kar rut bantung seripheap knong kar chuob brachoum brapnth tolakar kmean brasetthphap ning meankar chrietachrek pi anak nyobeay kar romlophbampean leu anak cheabkhoum ampeupoukarluoy sthabn setthi mnoussacheate kmean brasetthphap ampi ni tond pheap ryy pheap kmean tosapei cheadaem .
saharodthaamerik kaban riahkn towleu kar veay dam tamnangrastr baksa brachheang 2 roub ku lok nhy chamreun ning lok kng saphea daoy anakkeatr baksa kanamnach kalpi khe tola kanlongtow haey samdeng kar khakchett champoh rodthasaphea kampouchea del ban dk sameachik pheap robsa lok sam r ngsai brathan konabaksa sangkroh cheate del bangkham aoy brathan baksa brachheang roub nih trauv nirtesa khluoneng tow kraw bratesa rhaut mk tl sapv thngai .
knongamlongpel tossaan kechch now kampouchea kraw te pi chuob lokneayk rodthamontrei houn sen ning rodthamontrei karobartesa lok hao na hong lok chn khe ri ka krong nung chuob thnakdoeknea konabaksa brachheang phng der .
yeangna anakneapeaky konabaksa sangkroh cheate lok yum sovonn mintean thveu attha thibbeay tha tae konabaksa brachheang nung leuk yk banhhea kar chab khluon kar veay dam montrei baksa brachheang tow chchek cheamuoy lok chn khe ri ryy yeangna noh te . lok kreante banhcheak tha nung chchek pi rueng toutow dauchchea nyobeay setthimnoussa ning brachathibteyy : « yeung leuk chea ruom ku banhhea nyobeay haey nung banhhea brachathibteyy banhhea setthimnoussa khnhom min chng chomreab aoy cham tha banhhea na te» .
choumvinh damnaer tossaankechch robsa lok chn khe ri mk kampouchea nih der kaunosrei robsa lok meach sovonnarea montrei konabaksa sangkroh cheate del trauv ban achnhathr khmer chabkhluon ban phnhae likhet towkean lok chn khe ri snae antorakom aoy chuoy aupouk del mean sanhcheate amerik der noh .
kaunosrei lok mea ch sovonnarea ku kanhnhea sochata ban brab lok chn khe ri tha aupouk kanhnhea min ban braprutt tosakamhosa avei laey ning ban riebreab pi sthanphap chomngu robsa aupouk knong ponthoneakear promteang taaunhotaer pi kar lombak now pel del kmean aupouk chea bangkol kruosaear now kber . kanhnhea sochata kaban romluk brab lok chn khe ri pi karnei del batokr baksa kanamnach ban veaydam towleu lok nhy chamreun tamnangrastr baksa brachheang del mean sanhcheate amerik dauch aupouk kanhnhea der noh .
ke now mintean doeng chbasa tha tae lok chn khe ri nung leuk yk banhhea romloph setthimnoussa ryy kar thveutoukkh bokamnenh leu baksa brachheang del chea banhhea rom sae b bamphot nih tow chchek cheamuoy lok neayk rodthamontrei houn sen del poum sauv chaulchett aoy ke riahkn pi kardoeknea robsa lok ryyka yeangna noh te .
bonte komrong del lok chn khe ri chhlietpel da mmeanhuk nei damnaer tossaankechch robsa lok chuob cheamuoy thnakdoeknea baksa brachheang kuchea kayvikear kartout muoy bangheanh tha montrei cheankhpasa bratesa mhaamnach lekh 1 leu piphoplok roub nih min prongeuyokanteuy champoh kar lombak robsa baksa brachheang laey haey kayvikear kartout nih ka chea kar bambakmoukh baksa kanamnach phng der .
Before the visit of the United States, Foreign Minister John Kerry (John Kerry) Cambodian civil society groups called on the Foreign Minister mentioned powers violation of human rights issues with the government leader, Prime Minister Hun Sen.
Separately, relatives of opposition officials Sovannara, who is in prison also called for John Kerry to intervene to help the opposition.
Remember that before his visit to Cambodia US President Barack Obama (Barack Obama) to join the ASEAN summit host last year 2012, civil society groups, especially the citizens who were affected by the violation of land rights violations and injustice has asked the leaders of America's problem They chat with Prime Minister Hun Sen, the host.
No different this time, civil society continues to urge senior officials of the United States, which is scheduled to visit Cambodia next raised the issue of human rights violations with the government. Perceive civil society that respects human rights situation in the country has not improved yet.
Defense officials Rights (LICADHO), Am Sam Ath said civil society would like to see the visit of Mr. Kerry has the benefit for citizens and society, especially to improve the human rights situation and the democratic process in the country.
Am Sam Ath said the problems that Cambodians face today, such as restrictions on the right to freedom of gathering and expression issues Impunity or innocent, since you shot Environmental Protection Workers union represents artists or beating of opposition officials and supporters to not be injured Authorities arrested convicted.
In addition, the civic land confiscation evict people from their homes forcibly arrested and imprisoned opposition officials interruptions dialogue of cultures Your politics are the subject Ath understand that John Kerry should be encouraged to talk with the government: `I think that the visit of John Kerry relation to the ASEAN meeting in the United States in the next 2 months, and we hope that after the visit of John Kerry in the upcoming ASEAN meeting will be able to request we change the situation of human rights and a number of other situations in the country better.
The United States is the leading superpower always criticized the violation of human rights situation and the democratic process in the country.
The annual human rights report of the US State Department on human rights situation in the world in 2014 classified the issue of human rights violations in the country that has generally The severity.
Those key issues of human rights violations, including the killing of beating the arrest of human rights activists dress garment workers used violence and torture by security forces Protesters and journalists languish in prison and detention, abuse, corruption of judges, prosecutors and court officials arrested and MPs Opposition activists restrictions to freedom of assembly and ineffective judicial system from political interference detainee abuse, corruption, rights Humans ineffective impunity or innocent.
The United States has also criticized the beating opposition lawmaker 2 is magnetic and progress Kong by ruling party supporters in Parliament last October and expressed disappointed with the Cambodian National Assembly members of the Sam Rainsy, president of the National Salvation Party, which forced the head of the opposition has been self-exiled abroad until today.
During the visit in the country apart from Prime Minister Hun Sen and Foreign Minister Hor Namhong, Kerry also plans to meet with opposition leaders .
National Party spokesman Yim Sovann, has yet to comment on whether the opposition will take the beating opposition to chat with officials John Kerry or not. He just confirmed that will talk about the general political, human rights and democracy: 'We is politics and democracy, human rights issues, I do not want to tell you that the problem, however.
Surrounding the visit of John Kerry's daughter Sovannara national party officials who are Khmer authorities sent a letter to the arrest John Kerry proposed interventions to help parents who have US citizenship.
Sovannara daughter is Miss Carol told Kerry that she did not commit any guilty and described the condition of his father in prison and complained of difficulty when no father's family near the pole. September Socheata also recalled telling Mr. Kerry from the case that the ruling party protesters beat on magnetic progress opposition MPs-American father as September .
It is not yet clear whether Mr Kerry will raise the issue of human rights violations or persecution on the opposition, which is a sensitive issue to chat with Prime Minister Hun Sen, who does not like to be critical of his leadership or not.
But Mr. Kerry time busiest of his visit, he met with opposition leaders is a diplomatic gesture to show that senior officials powers No. 1 in the world does not ignore the difficulties of the opposition and diplomatic gesture is also the ruling party as well humiliation .
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