Angkor Wat in Cambodia
angkorovott trauvkar kar sdar laengvinh chraen now satavotsa ti 20 chea saamkhan kar yk dei roumkaoh ning sarpeu roukkhcheate chenh . [18 ] karngear trauv ban akkhan daoy sangkream rodthabbavenei ning karokrobkrong bratesa daoy khmerokrahm kamlong tosavotsa 1970 ning 1980 bonte kar bamphlech bamphlanh techtuoch daoy briebthieb trauv ban thveu kamlong nih ry pel . rsa kng kamleang khmer krahm ban brae chheu del now sesasal knong rochneasampnth akear samreab osa ponlea muoy del trauv ban bamphlanh daoy sel amerik muoy del kmean mcheasa ning kar banh t knea muoy rveang khmer krahm ning kangokamleang vietneam ban dak ronth kreab kaphleung muoy chamnuon now knong roub cham leak muoy . kar khauch khat chraen trauv ban ke thveu banteab pi sa ngrkea m , daoy chaor selb del thveu kar chenh pi bratesa thai del knong chong tosavotsa 1980 ning daem tosavotsaa chhnam 1990 ban aahang tha staer te rieng real kbal del ach trauv ban lopped bet rochneasampnth nih ruom banhchoul teang kar ksang laeng vinh . [19 ]
brasaeat nih kuchea nimittaroub porpenh daoy thamopl robsa kampouchea ning chea braphp nei mha motonpheap cheate del ban dak chea katta knong tomneaktomnng kartout robsa kampouchea cheamuoy barang saharodth ning anakchitkheang robsa khluon thai . roubkoumnour nei angkorovott thleab chea phnek muoy nei tngcheate neanea robsa kampouchea chabtangpi kar dak banhchoul nouv kamne leuktimuoy rongvong chhnam 1863. [20 ] tam tossaanvisay bravotte sa sr t mean tomham thom ning Transcultural saumbi te toh chea yeang na brasaeatoangkorovott nih minban klay tow chea nimittaroub nei motonpheap cheate e n so bonte trauv ban banhchoul tow knong dam nae kar nyobeay vobb th del mean tomham thom - nei phlit kamm ananikm barang betekaphond knong del ti sthan brasaeat daem trauv ban ke bangheanh now knong samy ananikm ning chea sakl tang pipr barang now tikrong barisa ning mea kh sei rveang chhnam 1889 ning chhnam 1937 [21 ] sao ph nd robsa angkorovott ban ke phng der now leu kar bangheanh now knong saromontir samdeng mneangsela robsa lok Louis Delaporte ban ke hawtha saromontir indau Chinoy del kaet mean now knong vimean barisa pi Trocadero tow peak k nta l c.1880 tosavotsa chhnam 1920 . [22 ]
morotk selb roungrueng nei angkorovott ning bauchniyodthan khmer phsaeng tiet now knong tambn angkor ban doeknea barang daoy phtal ttuol yk kampouchea chea anapyabal now thngai 11 seiha 1863 ning louklouy siem daembi truotatraleu vikennadthan neanea . nih ban nea aoy bratesa kampouchea yeang luen now chroung rean dei now pheak peaypy nei bratesa del sthet now kraom karokrobkrong robsa siem ( thai ) chab tang pi chhnam 1351 k (Manich Jumsai chhnam 2001 ) ryy daoy konni muoy chamnuon , chhnam 1431 k . [23 ] kampouchea ban ttuol ban ekreachy pi barang now thngai 9 vichchheka 1953 ning ban krobkrong angkorovott chabtangpi pelnoh mk . vea mean sovotthephap knong kar niyeay tha pi samy ananikm t tow rhaut dl kar teng tang tambn b nta nh chea betekaphond piphoplok angkokear you ne skau knong chhnam 1992 brasaeat cheakleak muoy nei brasaeat angkor vott kuchea kar saamkhan knong kar bangkeut koumnit tomneub ning sakl pheavoubniyokamm bantich mtong nei kar sang sang betekaphond nih . [24 ]
now knong khe thnou chhnam 2015 trauv ban brakeasa tha krom anakasravochreav pi sakl vityealy saidni ban rk kheunh kal pi moun del meul minkheunh del chea b ntom nei bm banhchouh sap ban ksang laeng ning kamtech knong amlong pel nei kar sang sang brasaeat angkor vott dauch chea rochnea sampnth yeang chraen nei kolbamnng del min skal now leu chroung khang tbaung robsa khluon ning kampeng chheu . [25 ] kar rk kheunh nih phng der ruom mean phostotang nei kar kankab dngsaite teab lomnow dthan now knong tambn nih cheamuoy kralea chatrangk phlauv trapang ning pomnouk . [25 ] teangnih bangheanh tha kanleng preahvihear , bounded daoy kou tuk ning kampeng min ach trauv ban brae teangosrong daoy issaarochn sangkh dauch del trauv ban ke kit tha pi moun . [25 ] chea krom trauv ban ke brae LiDAR reada dei lomait haey chik ban kamnt koldaw daembi phkauphkang angkorovott .
Angkor Wat required considerable restoration in the 20th century, mainly the removal of accumulated earth and vegetation.[18] Work was interrupted by the civil war and Khmer Rouge control of the country during the 1970s and 1980s, but relatively little damage was done during this period. Camping Khmer Rouge forces used whatever wood remained in the building structures for firewood, a pavilion was ruined by a stray American shell, and a shoot-out between Khmer Rouge and Vietnamese forces put a few bullet holes in a bas relief. Far more damage was done after the wars, by art thieving working out of Thailand, which, in the late 1980s and early 1990s, claimed almost every head that could be lopped off the structures, including reconstructions.[19]
The temple is a powerful symbol of Cambodia, and is a source of great national pride that has factored into Cambodia's diplomatic relations with France, the United States and its neighbor Thailand. A depiction of Angkor Wat has been a part of Cambodian national flags since the introduction of the first version circa 1863.[20] From a larger historical and even transcultural perspective, however, the temple of Angkor Wat did not become a symbol of national pride sui generis but had been inscribed into a larger politico-cultural process of French-colonial heritage production in which the original temple site was presented in French colonial and universal exhibitions in Paris and Marseille between 1889 and 1937.[21] Angkor Wat's aesthetics were also on display in the plaster cast museum of Louis Delaporte called musée Indo-chinois which existed in the Parisian Trocadero Palace from c.1880 to the mid-1920s.[22]
The splendid artistic legacy of Angkor Wat and other Khmer monuments in the Angkor region led directly to France adopting Cambodia as a protectorate on 11 August 1863 and invading Siam to take control of the ruins. This quickly led to Cambodia reclaiming lands in the northwestern corner of the country that had been under Siamese (Thai) control since 1351 AD (Manich Jumsai 2001), or by some accounts, 1431 AD.[23] Cambodia gained independence from France on 9 November 1953 and has controlled Angkor Wat since that time. It is safe to say that from the colonial period onwards until the site's nomination as UNESCO World Heritage in 1992, this specific temple of Angkor Wat was instrumental in the formation of the modern and gradually globalized concept of built cultural heritage.[24]
In December 2015, it was announced that a research team from University of Sydney had found a previously unseen ensemble of buried towers built and demolished during the construction of Angkor Wat, as well as massive structure of unknown purpose on its south side and wooden fortifications.[25] The findings also include evidence of low-density residential occupation in the region, with a road grid, ponds and mounds.[25] These indicate that the temple precinct, bounded by moat and wall, may not have been used exclusively by the priestly elite, as was previously thought.[25] The team used LiDAR, ground-penetrating radar and targeted excavation to map Angkor Wat.
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